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Streck成立于1971年,其创始人Wayne Ryan博士,在血细胞仍在使用显微镜手动计数时,开发了该公司的核心细胞稳定技术。

Ryan博士对科学和创新充满热情,他发现通过分离和稳定血小板,我们的实验室科学家能够促进自动计数,从而开发出用于校准血小板计数设备的精确系统。 对于世界各地的血液学实验室来说,这是一个深刻的突破,推动了我们对临床实验室创新解决方案的追求。

今天,创新继续推动着我们的科学发展。 Streck 拥有 20 多种产品的 40 多项专利,并为一些行业领先的仪器制造商(如雅培、西门子和 Sysmex 等)制造测试和试剂材料。

Streck 位于美国的心脏地带,在内布拉斯加州拉维斯塔拥有超过 278,000 平方英尺的生产设施。在这里,我们的产品被制造并交付给全球 65 个国家的 13,000 多个实验室。

Established in 1971, Streck’s founder, Dr. Wayne Ryan, developed the company’s core technology of cell stabilization at a time when blood cells were still being counted manually using microscopes.

Dr. Ryan, with a fierce passion for science and innovation, discovered that by isolating and stabilizing platelets, our laboratory scientists were able to facilitate automatic counting, leading to the development of an accurate system for calibrating platelet-counting devices.  It was a profound breakthrough for hematology laboratories around the world – one that fueled our pursuit of innovative solutions for the clinical laboratory.

Today, innovation continues to drive our science.  Streck holds over 40 patents on more than 20 products and makes testing and reagent materials for some of the industry’s leading instrument manufacturers, such as Abbott, Siemens, and Sysmex, among others.

Streck is located in America’s heartland with over 278,000-sq. ft. of production facilities in La Vista, Nebraska. Here, our products are manufactured and delivered to over 13,000 labs in 65 countries around the world.


1Streck218962Cell-Free DNA BCT100支/盒
2Streck213362Cyto-Chex® BCT25支(5mL)/盒
3Streck230460RNA Complete BCT6支/盒




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