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ROKEPIE 隶属于 Sulfateq BV,这是一家位于荷兰北部的创新生物技术研究公司。它由 Drs 于 2011 年 4 月创立。 Kees van der Graaf,工业药剂师和生物技术初创企业的成功企业家。该公司的核心业务是开发一种革命性的颠覆性技术,该技术基于对冬眠自然机制研究的化合物鉴定,通过研究处于冬眠状态的哺乳动物。

Sulfateq 化合物的技术应用是基于这种自然的冬眠机制,但由 Sulfateq 化合物启动的机制的知识产权受到专利的良好保护。这项革命性技术专注于通过化学生物调节剂控制细胞生长和新陈代谢。

ROKEPIE 是一种生物调节剂,可在 2-8°C 下保存细胞和组织。 还有其他保存介质声称与 ROKEPIE 一样,但这些溶液不支持活细胞和组织,甚至有毒。 ROKEPIE 的独特之处在于它是一种无毒添加剂,您可以简单地将其添加到您的组织和细胞中。

Sulfateq 化合物系列包括化学结构,可用于:




我们的团队在医疗市场拥有丰富的经验,船上有国际知名的临床医生,他们在格罗宁根大学医学院诊所 (UMCG Groningen) 工作,在临床试验方面拥有丰富的经验,尤其是在肾脏疾病方面。我们还与全球研究合作网络保持密切联系,包括与美国陆军外科研究所签订的合作研发协议 (CRADA)。

ROKEPIE is part of Sulfateq BV, an innovative biotechnology research company located in the north of the Netherlands. It was founded in April, 2011 by Drs. Kees van der Graaf, an industrial pharmacist and successful entrepreneur in biotech-start ups. The company’s core business is to exploit a revolutionary, disruptive technology, based on the identification of compounds grounded on research the natural mechanism in hibernation, by studying mammals in their hibernation state.

The technical applications of Sulfateq’s compounds is based on this natural mechanisms of hibernation, but the intellectual property of the mechanisms initiated by Sulfateq’s compounds is well protected by patents. This revolutionary technology focusses on the control of cell growth and metabolism by a chemical bioregulator.

ROKEPIE is a bioregulator to preserve cells and tissues at 2-8°C. There are other preservation media who claim to do the same as ROKEPIE but these solutions do not support living cells and tissues or are even toxic. What makes ROKEPIE unique is that it is a non-toxic additive which you can simply add to your tissues and cells.

The series of Sulfateq compounds comprise chemical structures, which have applications in:

-hypothermic cell-, tissue- and organ preservation

-cell- and tissue growth regulation

-inflammation control

Our team has a lot of experience in the medical market and on board are internationally known clinicians who work for the University Medical Hospital clinic (UMCG Groningen) and have extensive experience with clinical trials, especially in kidney diseases. We also keep close contact with a worldwide network of research collaborations including a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) with the US Army Institute of Surgical Research.


1ROKEPIEFD01Hypothermic preservation solution1*2mL
2ROKEPIEFD01Hypothermic preservation solution5*2mL




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