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ALZET 渗透泵——简史

ALZET 渗透泵是 1970 年代由 ALZA Corporation 开发的。 它们最初是为公司内部研究而开发的,供 ALZA 在学术机构工作的一些合作者使用。 没过多久,关于一种新的药物输送系统的存在,这个词就传开了,该系统允许将测试剂连续给药到实验动物中。 对用于动物研究的市售连续给药装置的需求不断增加,导致 1977 年 ALZET 泵进入市场。


2000 年 4 月,ALZET 产品线被 DURECT 公司收购。 DURECT Corporation 由几位个人于 1998 年创立,其中包括 Felix Theeuwes 博士,他是 ALZET 泵的发明者,曾任 ALZA 首席科学家兼研发总裁。 DURECT 的使命是开发治疗方法,以改善患有慢性、使人衰弱的疾病和病症的患者的生活质量。为实现这一目标,DURECT 提供了广泛的创新药物输送系统,这些系统是任何新型控释药物产品的基本要素。 DURECT 提供持续释放技术平台,可根据特定的治疗需求从数天到数年提供治疗候选药物。

ALZET Osmotic Pumps – A Brief History

ALZET Osmotic Pumps were developed during the 1970’s by ALZA Corporation. They were initially developed for use during internal company research, and for use by some of ALZA’s collaborators working at academic institutions. It did not take long for the word to spread about the existence of a novel drug delivery system that allowed for continuous administration of test agents into laboratory animals. The increasing demand for a commercially available continuous drug delivery device for animal research led to the introduction of ALZET pumps into the marketplace in 1977.

In April of 2000, the ALZET product line was acquired by DURECT Corporation. DURECT Corporation was founded in 1998 by several individuals, including Dr. Felix Theeuwes, an inventor of the ALZET pump and formerly Chief Scientist and President of Research and Development at ALZA. DURECT’s mission is to develop therapies that will improve the quality of life for patients with chronic, debilitating diseases and conditions. To accomplish this goal, DURECT offers a broad range of innovative drug delivery systems that are an essential element to any new controlled-release drug product. DURECT offers sustained release technology platforms that provide delivery of therapeutic candidates from days to years based on the specific therapeutic needs.


1Alzet1002ALZET Osmotic Pumps,100ul,2周10个/盒
2Alzet1004ALZET Osmotic Pumps,100ul,4周10个/盒
3Alzet2002ALZET Osmotic Pumps, 200ul,2周10个/盒
4Alzet2004ALZET Osmotic Pumps, 200ul,4周10个/盒
ALZET Osmotic Pumps ,2mL,1周10个/盒




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